Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Holidays


The Holidays are upon us and we prepare to break away from our normal schedule. Above is the Den Yell that we will be using for this month's Pack Meeting.

At the meeting on December 8th we went over Achievement 6, Collections.

Please do your best to bring your manuals so that I can start recording all of your Achievements.

At the Pack Meeting I will be bringing the script for our skit "Olive, the other reindeer".

I am posting the full text of our announcements below. But the highlights are that we want to continue to work on Advancement opportunities with your family through the Holidays. Do your best to get Achievements 10, 11, and 12. Colby and I will be available for coaching sessions from December 26-28 from 9am-3 pm. You can sign up for these at the Pack Meeting or contact me via e-mail. You must have a parent or guardian present for these sessions. On December 29, we will have a Family Day at Ogden Park's Playground from 2-4pm. I will be taking sign ups for this only at the Pack Meeting and will cancel if no one is interested. Your parent or guardian must accompany you. Finally we will have a Family Hike on January 1st from 2-4 pm at Halyburton Park in Wilmington. The actual hike will be from 2-3pm with the balance of time reserved for free play or coaching on advancements, loops, or other patches. Please sign up for this at the pack meeting or e-mail me your interest before January 1st. You must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for this.

Full text of the handout is below:

Over the holiday I’m asking each Cub Scout and their family to look over their manual and have your Akela to sign off on any work that you have done either at home or at one of the Den Meetings. Depending on your attendance to Den Meetings you may have the following Achievements/Requirements completed:

1.A-E (we also did Requirement F at one meeting), 2.A-C (D were at home), 2.E-G, 3.B-C (A were to be done at home), 4.B-D (A,E, F were to be done at home), 5.A-E, 6.A-C, 7.A-C (D-F were to be done at home), 8.A (B-E were to be done at home), 9.A (B-C were to be done at home), 9.D-E.

If you haven’t completed these Achievements please work on them with your Akela.

The holidays will present a good opportunity to talk about your faith and religion with your Akela. Please try and complete Achievement 11 (A-D). Have your Akela sign off on everything you finish.

This could also be a good time to finish Achievement 10. You must do Requirement A, and any 2 of the other requirements. The January 1st Hike would be a great one for 10.C

Achievement 12, should be completed as you have time available and should be done with your family. Do Requirement A and four others. This is one that can be done on during a drive or at the dinner table and usually can be done in 30-60 minutes.

If you need any assistance or coaching for advancement or awards, Mr. Chris and Colby, will be available to visit your family on 12/26-12/28 between 9 am and 3 pm.

Den 1 could use an Assistant Den Leader. If interested you can talk to Mr. Chris. I invite all parents to look at the basic training available at These are interactive sessions that last less than 30 minutes.

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